Sophocles once said: “It can be no dishonor to learn from others when they speak good sense”. What are the qualities needed in a ‘mentor’ in order to learn from them? Finding a mentor that operates from a position of good sense may be hard to...
Monday, January 27, 2020, the Call-In Talk Podcast had 7 wonderful callers. The topics ranged from “printing resources”, some SEO hacks, and also callers updated their progress of marketing so far in 2020 about growing their book businesses. We heard from...
A Blast from the Past and SEO You Can Build It, Call In Talks Show – Episode #358 from February 2017 I have recently been spending time going through the history of my presence on the Internet and setting important files up to be in safekeeping I am using Amazon...
Entrepreneurs over 50 years of age offer significant “golden dividends” for economies wrestling with aging populations that place a disproportionate burden on resources —according to a 2017 report from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor “Older Americans took...
Example of Repurposed Content We discussed Repurposing Content on the Call-In Talk Show on Monday, June 2, 2019. Changing the format and delivery of previously created content, be it Text, Images, Video or Audio, is an easy way to get more mileage and reach a larger...