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A Post from the Past….

A Post from the Past….

A Blog Post right out of the Past 2020 and the COVID19 pandemic has altered the routines of many of us. I have become more reflective and spending time reading what I shared 10+ years ago. I am finding out that platforms may change, tools more sophisticated, but the...
From an ACORN a Huge Oak Tree develops….

From an ACORN a Huge Oak Tree develops….

The word ACORN has really been in the news lately and that brought to mind the simple adage that greatness is naturally developed from small items. ACORNS are, of course, the seed, coded with the Genetic plan to develop into the ultimate Creation…the magnificent...
Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

This article was first posted on my old Blog, Best Business Mindset Alliance. Seems new readers have shown up on this site and I felt it a good share here also The question of Writing the Marketing Strategy on paper comes up in many of our initial consults. Even...
You Can Build It Call-Talk Show, Episode #435

You Can Build It Call-Talk Show, Episode #435

The 435th Episode of our Call-in Talk Show, You Can Build It After a couple of weeks hiatus, we were back on-line Monday, July 15, 2019 I was joined by Diane Stephenson, Nancy Lou Henderson, Lew  Mcintyre, Karen McIntyre, J.L. Callison, and Jay Cadmus. The main topic...

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