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Is Your Plate Too Full?

Is Your Plate Too Full?

Is Your Plate Too Full? “Help” “I am Overwhelmed!” “I don’t have any Time!” These comments are heard daily from Business Builders expressing the frustration of “having Too Full a Plate”. Why this phenomenon? I believe this Rapidly...
Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

This article was first posted on my old Blog, Best Business Mindset Alliance. Seems new readers have shown up on this site and I felt it a good share here also The question of Writing the Marketing Strategy on paper comes up in many of our initial consults. Even...
Honesty In Marketing

Honesty In Marketing

The following is a guest post from a good friend in Florida, Barbara Grassey. Check her Bio below and get to know her Honesty in Marketing I had been texting back and forth with my friend, Michael, discussing a webinar we both bailed out of (separately) last week. The...
Is Money a Terrible End?

Is Money a Terrible End?

Money Is a Terrible End (Find Meaning Instead) A very good friend and fellow Charles Haanel Fan, Anthony Michalski sent an email that jarred my memory of a favorite Week of Charles Haanel’s The Master Key Charles F. Haanel wrote in Week Sixteen of The Master Key...
Are Website/Blog Themes Important?

Are Website/Blog Themes Important?

Does an Elegant Themed Website/Blog really make a difference? How important is the presentation in attracting visitors? Does it need to be “Elegant”? Well, in reality, Content is King, and there many very successful sites that follow a plain format… but when you...
Connecting with Your Customers

Connecting with Your Customers

Do you believe Connecting with Your Customers is the Most Important Skill To Succeed In Business? Stop Wasting Your List Building Efforts – Make Sure Your Subscribers Buy From You! I know that you have heard that you need to build a list; that it’s your...

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