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Day 5, Creating the Action Plan

Day 5, Creating the Action Plan

Day 5: Creating an Action Plan to Achieve Your Goals Setting a goal is a great start, but reaching it is another matter. To make sure you get to your desired outcome, it’s important to make a Plan of Action. This plan should be detailed and guide you toward your...
3 Tips to Help Taking That Action Now

3 Tips to Help Taking That Action Now

3 Tips to Help You Take Action Now I discussed becoming an ACTION TAKER in a recent post. But I thought I would share some easy tips and tricks on how to APPLY that ACTION NOW Not everyone has the same drive to TAKE ACTION Some people are naturally just better at...
How to Plan your Business Venture

How to Plan your Business Venture

How to Organize Your Business Plan This content was parsed from Chapter One of the e-Book, Beginners Marketing Class, Provision Your Ship Some guidelines for preparing a good business plan are discussed below Before we get into some “meat & potatoes”, we should...
Is a  Mentor Needed?

Is a Mentor Needed?

Sophocles once said: “It can be no dishonor to learn from others when they speak good sense”. What are the qualities needed in a ‘mentor’ in order to learn from them? Finding a mentor that operates from a position of good sense may be hard to...
Day Five, Procrastination Challenge

Day Five, Procrastination Challenge

Old Habits Are Hard To Break – Accountability Is Key To Beating Procrastination “Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.” — George Washington Carver Beating procrastination can be hard. We do well for a few days,...

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