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432nd Episode of the You Can Build It Call-In Talk Show

Monday, June 3, 2019

The topic for this Call-in was re-purposing of creative material to reach a broader audience on the Internet. I was joined by Nancy Lou Henderson, Diane Stephenson, J.L Callison, Tonya Heathco, and Jay Cadmus.

We discussed creating new version form existing material to capture new markets. Creating Video and Audio has proved to be successful.

Also, toward the end, I introduced the use of Google Alerts and how we can benefit through looking at content produced by others in our niches and the power of leaving comments. I am still getting traffic to some of my sites through comments place on blogs within my favorite niches over 6 years ago. Commenting on Blogs has been an interesting discussion recently on the Internet.

A couple of “Famous Blogs” quit accepting comments, claiming it wasn’t worth the time and energy. That could be true, but our experience is positive (we aren’t big and famous). The Author website has received over 20,000 comments from avid readers and bt answering most of them a strong rapport with eager readers and BOOK BUYERS has been established.

As a recap of Monday’s Call:

  • Think about repurposing existing content
  • Start to use Google Alerts to get Content ideas.
  • Spend time commenting on those Google Alerts referral blogs that share your interest.

Listen to the Talk Show or download for later

Smart Blogger has written an informative article on the How To of commenting

Blog Commenting

If you are interested in increasing your Internet presence and effectively use Social Media
Join us on Mondays at 6:30 pm Eastern

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