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Self-Assessment Survey: Action and Motivation

I have discussed becoming an ACTION TAKER in recent posts.

Not everyone has the same drive to TAKE ACTION Some people are naturally just better at taking action than others. At least, that’s how it can often seem when you want to take action but can’t figure out how you should go about it. The truth is, that YOU can transform yourself from a thinker to a doer using the following three secrets.

Find out where you fit regarding your Action Taking Abilities

Instructions for the Survey

For each statement, rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means “Strongly Disagree” and 5 means “Strongly Agree.” Be honest in your responses to get the most accurate insights.

  1. I often find myself taking action towards my goals, regardless of how I feel.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I set clear daily or weekly goals that prompt me to take action.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I have a consistent routine that helps me stay on track with my goals.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I can overcome feelings of laziness or procrastination when I think about my long-term objectives.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I am able to prioritize my tasks effectively, focusing first on those that are most crucial to my goals.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I regularly review and adjust my goals to ensure I am making progress.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. When I face setbacks, I am quick to regroup and take action rather than dwelling on the obstacles.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I seek support or resources when I feel unmotivated, which helps me get back on track.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I reward myself for taking action towards my goals, even on days when I feel unmotivated.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

  1. I reflect on my progress regularly, which motivates me to continue taking action.

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree


✅ 41-50 points: You are excellent at taking action towards your goals, regardless of your motivation levels. Continue refining your strategies to maintain this strength.

✅ 31-40 points: You generally do well in taking action but sometimes struggle when motivation dips. Focus on building resilience and finding motivation in small successes.

✅ 21-30 points: You have a moderate approach to action; however, fluctuations in motivation significantly impact your productivity. Consider establishing stronger routines and accountability measures.

✅ 11-20 points: You often find it difficult to take action when not motivated. Work on setting smaller, more achievable goals to build your confidence and momentum.

✅ 1-10 points: Taking action is a significant challenge for you, often hindered by low motivation. Start with very small steps and gradually increase your goals as you experience success.

Check out these THREE SIMPLE TIPS toward developing the Action Habit

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