Your Business Mindset is easier to enhance if you can master Active Listening. But what is Active listening? Is it any different than listening? YES. We can all recall situations where we have utterly failed to listen to what someone else is saying. For various...
Would you like to learn “HOW TO” Outwit the Devil? In 1938 Napoleon Hill wrote a book (after Think and Grow Rich) he titled “Outwitting the Devil” This book is a very Hard-hitting account of a conversation between Napoleon Hill (Mr....
Looking For Business Growth? Get a Dog or a Cat! Yes, surround yourself with the responsibility of a dog or a cat. We all know that the vagaries of being in business, regardless of the venue can be stressful, and in the beginning, it can be a challenge to stay the...
Getting Back in the Saddle 5 Ways to Remain Self-Motivated After a Setback How many times have we all ‘fallen off of the horse’ along Life’s wonderful journey? Pretty much a given that most of us have experienced that toss several times. The big...
Using Affirmations to Reset Your Wealth SetPoint Whether you realize it or not, every word you think or speak is an affirmation. Affirmations are declarations, observations if you will, about you and the world around you. The concept seems simple enough until...