Should a Business Mindset focus more on Blogging Content or Social Media Content?
This question has been the topic of webinars, group narratives, forums, and social dialog for a few years.
Social Media Dialog indeed seems to dominate, especially with the move toward more mobile web access. But so much of that has a short lifespan and in some cases, not much depth.
Blogging, on the other hand, allows the writer time to fine-tune the content and, if they are self-hosted, to know there is a Never, never-ending story. Plus the opportunity for comments to build and, in many cases, become a substantive source of relevant content to the initial article.
While discussing web/blog commenting with a good friend and SEO Guru, Jack Humphrey of Brick Road Media a few years ago, he mentioned that commenting has seemed to decline because it was easier to post to Social Media. I tended to agree until we studied the remarkable and seemingly contrary results seen on a site we are both vested in, James Strauss
Jim Strauss finally decided to publish a story about his ‘Thirty Days Has September’ Vietnam experiences, almost 50 years ago, and sought ideas on how to generate interest because the traditional publishing business is truly a “den of thieves”. I suggested posting the chapters as written on his website and using social media the announce the updates of new chapters.
His Facebook page, James Strauss Writer, has 20,000+ fans but when he posts each post receives about 400 shares creating an organic audience of 15,000 to 20,000 per post. That is impressive BUT the website receives 4,000 to 6,000 page views daily and MOST IMPORTANT in-depth comments of serious readers salivating for the Print and Kindle versions of his books.
To date in the past 60 months, there have been over 40,000 comments.
What James Strauss has done through blogging the content and directing referrals from Social Media is to create an eager-to-buy audience and we feel that is an excellent Business Mindset strategy
Social media does direct a lot of traffic, but our Business Mindsets are convinced the quality of CONTENT and the lively input and dialog in the comment section, is what is building the loyal customer base. Some major websites have quit allowing comments. We feel that may prove to be a mistake.
I am still convinced that a Business, large or small, regardless of the venue will still benefit from delivering quality content to their targeted audience through the time and capital investment in a blogging website.
P.S. If you would like to discuss your direction and have a desire to increase results, give us a call
This is all so true and I have watched this happen over the last few years on James pages and website. They comments are phenomenal and the timely responses from the author is so very important.
I have personally read all books and blogs on James website but also purchased his books.
This is an Amazing way to meet the author and actually get to engage with them through comments.
Great Job.
Nancy Lou
Really appreciate your sharing your experience, Nancy.
You own site only a year old has exploded with traffic, comments, and sales.