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Is Your Plate Too Full?

“I am Overwhelmed!”
“I don’t have any Time!”

Full PlateThese comments are heard daily from Business Builders expressing the frustration of “having Too Full a Plate”.

Why this phenomenon?

I believe this Rapidly changing, information glutted, internet environment has been partly at fault. With Real-Time Postings and Social media tools, one is constantly informed about the Successes of everyone else and How quickly fortunes are made!

I came across this article (almost 25  YEARS Old) which presents some worthwhile ideas. It is lengthy…..

You Can Do Anything..But Not Everything!
by David Allen,
presented by Keith H. Hammonds of FastCompany.com/Magazine

Yes. I know you may be too busy.  Bookmark it and take the time to read it.  Be sure to take notes

For the past 60 years, I have managed to be “poorly productive” in today’s environment. I don’t use PDAs. Don’t use my cell phone for anything else but Talking to Real People DIRECTLY and along with the judicious use of E-mail, I take the time of WRITING letters and MAILING them to prospects, clients, and Friends.

These methods take TIME, but I have always organized my day with just a Few Major Tasks, plus the routine of business management.

This allows a sense of Success daily and really does add to the Bottom Line and internal Peace. I also believe in Weekly Inventory as mentioned in David Allen’s article….

But don’t forget that daily re-cap, bringing a sense of accomplishment to the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Learn to Eat that Elephant One Bite at a time, chew and enjoy each Morsel, and you will be surprised how quickly the Task becomes anEat Elephant one bite at time accomplishment, without an Upset Stomach.

Grab a copy of Brian Klemmer’s Fun Book on “Eating the Elephant, One Bite at a Time” 52-week Lessons in Leadership
(if you do decide to click on the book and Buy it, I stand a chance of making 24 cents from Amazon…Make my day!)

All kidding aside….

It is my humble opinion that True productivity has been Hampered by the Societal emphasis on BEING SO BUSY.

Your business can grow, bills can get paid, especially if we all learn to only spend about 50% of the Net for Subsistence, and your LIFESTYLE will be a bit less Hectic.

Take your “TIME”, organize and You CAN Build It (Your Business) easier than imagined, I best mention, that I DO NOT EARN Millions per year…

A prioritized list of things to do today is your best guide for where you should invest your time. Some of your projects have more value than others. You don’t always have time to complete everything on your to-do list. Therefore, before you start your day, rank your entire list by the relative reward of each task. If there are any tasks still remaining at the end of the day, they should be the least important ones — not the most important.

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