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Make Progress Every Single Day And You’ll Beat Procrastination For Good

It’s hard to believe but we are coming to the end of our seven-day challenge to get off your butt and finally beat procrastination. I hope you’ve been following along and more importantly that you’ve been making progress on at least one of the things you’ve been procrastinating on. We end today with the most important piece of advice and the main lesson I want you to take away from all this.

Getting an idea should be like sitting on a pin; it should make you jump up and do something.E.L. Simpson

Make progress every single day! 

Of course, that’s easier said than done. That’s why I’m leaving you today with three simple hacks or strategies to help you. Give them a try and see if you can’t get into the habit of being productive every day instead of procrastinating.

Plan For It 

It’s easy to make progress every day when you know exactly what you should be working on next. Make a plan and then decide what you will do each day of the week. Write it down in a planner and adjust daily as needed. In the morning, you can see at a glance what it is you should be doing. Then get to work on it first thing before the day gets away from you. I find it helpful to have my planner sitting right in front of me at my desk, keeping me on track. Remember, my Planner only has one to two  major items to complete for the day

Don’t Break The Chain 

There’s something to be said about a chain or a streak. Record every day you don’t procrastinate on something. You can mark it on a monthly calendar, or create a chain of sticky notes, stickers, or even one of those paper chains you used to make in preschool. The goal is simple. Don’t break the chain. Once you have a few days under your belt, you’ll be motivated to go the extra mile and do that one thing you need to do to avoid breaking the streak. Always take the time to congratulate yourself and inform your Accountability Partner about the success

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work in hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” Alexander Graham Bell

Check-In With Yourself 

As you start to make progress on the things you know you need to be doing, you should feel your anxiety reduce. Instead, you will feel your confidence go up. Don’t be surprised to feel proud of your accomplishments. Instead, use those feelings to propel you forward to more procrastination-free days. Procrastination is a habit. It’s something you learned to do, which means it’s something you can unlearn. Stick with it, make progress every day, and enjoy those feelings of accomplishment.

These seven days delivered simple concepts and ideas but, based on personal experience, they WORK if you Do.

Please download this FREE eBook and read it often
when you feel yourself falling back into the habit of Procrastination


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Be sure to share your experiences in conquering Procrastination

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