We had another great group of callers on the You Can Build It Call-In Talk Show Monday, October 9, 2023
The discussion centered around ideas marketing your self-published books. These ideas which work well for all products and service.
I appreciated the input from Lew McIntyre, Nancy Lou Henderson, and Sam Camerano.
We talked about Bundling Products and selling directly from your own website, E-Book publication, and Audio Books. One thing that kept coming upfront was the need for applying a REAL Business Mindset. Which includes drawing up an actual BUSINESS PLAN, regardless the product or service you are involved in.
I also reminded the audience about a small E-book I authored several year ago that focus on the simple tools proved in helping develop and grow your Business. Go ahead and take a chance,
Download and READ ~~smile. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Sorry about some of the feedback developing on the platform with Feedback.
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