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The 435th Episode of our Call-in Talk Show, You Can Build It

After a couple of weeks hiatus, we were back on-line Monday, July 15, 2019

I was joined by Diane Stephenson, Nancy Lou Henderson, Lew  Mcintyre, Karen McIntyre, J.L. Callison, and Jay Cadmus.

The main topic was advertising but as usual, we evolved into sharing recent experiences regarding Book Marketing and the effective use of Social Media.
It seems that successful advertising can be accomplished in so many diverse ways.

Had some discussion of the need for a Business Mindset along with the Creative Mindset.

Recap of Episode 435:
1. Be sure to have cards and product with you in public.
2. Don’t be afraid to talk about yourself
3. Optimize your social media time and also edify others.
4. Document your expense carefully for optimizing your Tax Deductions

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Join us on Mondays at 6:30 pm Eastern

You Can Build It Talk Show

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