Are the Time Thieves retarding your Business growth on the Internet?
Seems that Time Management is the Hot new Topic in the past few weeks
with several Gurus and Authors presenting information of the
RIGHT Way to Manage Time…
Review a recent post here in this Blog
Actually, focusing on YOUR Management is the Key..
We can’t manage TIME but we can Manage our ACTIONS
What is the secret?
- First Thing to address is to Understand HOW we Work mentally. Learn to understand the human uniqueness that allows us to Expand our own Environments.
All animals have Brains, but WE are Blessed with a leg up on the rest of the animal world.
- Take a moment and learn about the TRIUN BRAIN
- Learn to Master Control over Three Time Bandits
In today’s fast-paced business world especially that centered around the Home Based Business genre, there Three Major Time Bandits that are inhibiting the Success flow.
These Time Bandits are especially successful in the Home Based Business venue because most participants have not developed the Mindset of an Entrepreneur BEFORE they entered the Arena.
We all need to Master Control and self-discipline over the Nemesis of
- Distractions
- Multitasking
- Fragmentation.
If we can develop the Mindset and habits of not allowing Distractions form internal and external sources when we have allocated TIME to be On Task, our tasks will become completed realities much quicker.
What a major Distractions for the Home-Based Businesspersons?
- Telephones and Cell Phones
- E-mail pop Ups and other Website notification Pop-ups (your mail will always be there for you when you go at the appointed time and that should not be first thing in AM)
- Visitors to your Home Office during your allotted Business hours.
- Family demands during allotted Business hours.
Some have felt the last two defeat the Purpose of being in a Home Based Business, but if you honor your commitments and realize how quickly the Main tasks are accomplished, you actually have more Time for the family and friends
Why is Multitasking a Dangerous Time Stealing Habit?
Read the following Article by By Chris Woolston
Multitasking and Stress

Photo courtesy
Fragmentation is the Third Time Thief
Are you finding yourself becoming more Fragmented in your Task Orientation?
Do you Start and Stop a Timeline several times a day?
Years ago I worked in a Nut processing Facility during the Harvest season to add to
Farming Cash Flow. My neighbor and I volunteered to do the 6 PM to 6 AM shift, 7 days a week. We liked it because the plant was empty most of our Shift and we were left alone to run the Destoner and Huller and Sheller for the incoming Almond Harvest.
We produced 2 1/2 times the daily production of the day crew.
We never shut our machines off. One of us would make a coffee break run and the other two would keep the machines running. Shutting the machine down takes TIME and wear and tear, and Turning them back on has the same effect.
The same principle applies to our Home Based Based or Brick and Mortar Business Production. If you start something, regardless of the size of the task…
Stay with it, ignore DISTRACTIONS and FOCUS on the Main Thing!
That is the main reason to not Overload a Day with ridiculous Busy Schedules…..
Learn to Focus and Your Self-Directed Business will enjoy Growth, you will find yourself enjoying MORE TIME to create even more exciting enterprises and YOUR Wealth will GROW.
Awesome advice. It is really easy to get distracted and rush.
I think it is also important to let others know you are dedicated to your business/book
It is also important to write down those middle of the night ideas or thoughts because they can be gone in the light of day.
There will always be special times that take a person away from their business but careful laid out plans can fill in the gaps. It is also important to give people a heads up.
Having owned a Florist which was a business that required a 24/7 schedule, I learned to think on my feet and be able to be flexible in utilizing every moment of time. Multitasking was a given but organized multitasking was a must.
As an author/blogger with a website plus media sites, I have found that it takes the very same business mindset and both require engagement with customers and readers.
Nancy Lou
Really appreciate your sharing true life experiences. Seems certain skill-sets and mindsets are
necessary for all businesses, regardless of the venue.
Guess there is No EASY Button