A sex-mad man is not essentially different than a dope-mad man! Both have lost control over their faculties of reason and will power. Sexual overindulgence may not only destroy reason and will power, but it may also lead to either temporary or permanent insanity…Napoleon Hill
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And what does Viagra have to do with Self-Improvement in the real world?
I have been meaning to write this post for quite a while. Over the years I have become ‘fascinated’ on the constant barrage of media ads touting “male enhancement” products. The frequency and abundance of the advertisements for these products lead one to believe that unless a male human consumes these questionable products their lives are a pure failure.
Most of you know I am considered an “Experienced Citizen” (well over 70 years) and I have mentioned countless times in Blog Posts, our Podcasts and Social my lifestyle and self-image was created through the reading of Three Books in 1960 (BTW, they are available as a free download, no strings attached on my ABOUT ME page, under my mug shot.
The entire subject of sex is one with which the majority of people appear to be unpardonably ignorant. The urge of sex has been grossly misunderstood, slandered, and burlesqued by the ignorant and the evil-minded for so long that the very word sex is seldom used in polite society, Napoleon Hill Chapter 11
One of those books was Napoleon Hill’s, Think and Grow Rich. I am sure almost everyone knows that Hill wrote this book after questioning many of the most successful people of his time. Edison, Ford, Booker T Washington, etc. One takeaway that Hill found as a common denominator was almost all of those studied shared a common trait. They learned at a mid-age (40ish) to transmutate sexual energy into a more business direction. They were blessed to be, married to strong, individual women and saw no need to keep the most powerful energies mankind has, SEXUAL ENERGY, ebbing into the need to prove sexual prowess.
I first read Hill’s Chapter 11, The Mystery of Sex, Transmutation. when I was 17 and at that time it did not resonate as much as the other Chapters. Sex transmutation is simple and easily explained. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature.
A brief excerpt follows:

My favorite Hat ~~smile
I sometimes wonder if all of the advertisements are really a conspiracy to keep 21st Century men dumb and broke?
I must be a tin-foil hat guy?
Actually I found that the transmutation of that energy in my case worked very well. I married my wife (now 42 years of marriage) in my mid-30’s and we both wanted children. I had spent my twenties and early thirties in the business building world but found it difficult to stay focused.
In my early forties, I found myself applying the concept of Chapter 11 and amazingly business activity increase. in the past 30+ years have never felt the need to PROVE my masculinity to anyone. Our relationship is stronger than ever and I do not have to be a Raging Bull.
I wanted to share this because it might be helpful to others who worry about some things that may not be as critical to Life Success as Society suggests.
I really enjoyed this section from Napoleon Hill also:
Interesting note within the Chapter:
For those of you who enjoy listening to here is the narration of Chapter 11, The Mystery of Sex
Listen streaming or Download mp3 at Logo below
In conclusion, I would like to know if the Viagra Junkies transmutate that heightened “sexual prowess” only to the bedroom or utilizes that energy for other success.
I have been Viagra free for 76 years so I do not know the effects.
Great post, Chuck. Trust me, I worked in a Pharmacy, Viagra is not all it’s cut out to be, and it is misused plus dangerous.
I believe there is a stigma put on men early in life to prove their manhood, which is total nonsense, but I also know that men or women who are sure of themselves do not have to prove themselves.
Desire is desire, and it can be transformed into different types of energy. I agree with Napoleon Hill.
Really appreciate your input, Nancy
That Energy can be re-directed to other endeavors which ultimately help many.