Mindset and Business. . .
Probably the most Misinterpreted Concept of running a business is the development and application of the Business Mindset
Let us have a couple of minutes to uncover precisely how important owning a Business Mindset is, not just for the prosperity of your company, but for your overall success and happiness in life also.
Mindset is usually the mental attitude that determines the way you will interpret and react to situations. It comes down to your image of things, that which you expect, and just how you respond – in every factor of your existence.
Mindset and Mental attitudes are essential in these major areas of our lives:
- Mental
- Emotional
- Physical
- Spiritual
- Financial
For many people, when they begin in business, it is all about the How-to’s, finding systems, getting started, and earning money. We overlook the need for our way of thinking, how important it is to remain positive, and most importantly, to achieve the proper mindset in most things.
Once we start our busy days, we become creatures of Habit. We are so busy doing things and getting things done, that we forget, or don’t give consideration to, our feelings or sixth senses or train our subconscious to direct ACTION
And, this is not about sappy feelings or feelings. It comes down to hearing what your Gut is suggesting. For example, maybe you engaged in a business conversation with somebody focused on placing a partnership together and something did not seem correct. The majority of us ignore this sort of feeling and merely forge on, rather than spending time to judge what’s really happening – possibly even determining to hear the power of our Subconscious Mind (Sixth Sense, Hunch).
Learn to develop and expand your Business Mindset. Develop the mindset of Abundant Thinking, and train your Subconscious to operate on the premise of YES and accept Hunches.
FREE Copy Abundant ThinkingThe main issue with this is that many people forget (even a number of individuals teaching this) that you still need to do something, APPLY Action. You may be positive and happy and become thinking all of the right ideas, but when you do not try taking some action, get out there and make a move, nothing will change – well, with the exception that maybe you will be happier.
I am reminded of a session with several of us sitting in a roundtable discussion. One of the participants was a highly regarded mindset coach and speaker, and everyone was asking her questions. One person shared they had been meditating for 3 hrs each day, for more than a year, and nothing had changed in their circumstances – with the exception they were “deeper in debt”
The Coach responded by suggesting the person spend only 15 minutes a day Meditating and the other 2 1/2 hours applying massive action to the problem and circumstance at hand.
This attitude is explained in great detail by Charles Haanel in the Complete Master Key System. It was from his works the specious movie, The Secret was supposedly based, but they emphasized the”Visualization” and not the APPLICATION of Energy. I would suggest taking the time to read the Master Key. Incorporate the exercises in your daily routine, focusing on applying an action to your GUT feelings. It is that attitude especially found in Chapter 4, that allowed Napoleon Hill to be rewarded in 1919

Napoleon Hill – Author of Think & Grow Rich
My Dear Mr. Haanel, April 21, 1919
You probably know, from the editorial in the January issue of the Golden Rule, copy of which my Secretary sent to you, that I began twenty-two years ago as a coal miner at a dollar a day. I have just been retained by a ten million dollar corporation at a salary of $105,200.00 a year, for a portion of my time only, it having been agreed that I shall continue as editor of the Hill’s Golden Rule.
I believe in giving credit where it is due, therefore I believe I ought to inform you that my present success which has followed my work as President of the Napoleon Hill Institute is due largely to the principles laid down in The Master Key System.
You are doing a good work by helping people to realize that nothing is impossible of accomplishment which a man can create in his imagination. Surely my own experience proves this. I shall cooperate with you in getting your course into the hands of the many who so greatly need your message.
Cordially and sincerely, Napoleon Hill
For a lot of us entrepreneurs, developing our Business Mindset to Apply Action is actually the missing piece, regardless of how effective we become.
How is Your Business Mindset Developed?
Share your experiences below.