5 tips for Getting the Business Mindset for Making Money Making money on the web requires most of the same characteristics you’d need offline too, developing a solid Business Mindset. Although you will find many internet business possibilities open to anybody...
What do Growing Walnuts and Growing a Business have in common? Every morning, for several years, Flo (now deceased, ~~sad) & I walked approximately 5 miles. Before we moved to our home in Corning, California on the Sacramento River, we walked back & forth...
5 Tips for Getting an Effective Business Mindset for running a business If there’s one factor that will be sure that your business’ failure and that might be getting an adverse attitude regarding your business. A mindset that’s targeted towards...
Should a Business Mindset focus more on Blogging Content or Social Media Content? This question has been the topic of webinars, group narratives, forums, and social dialog for a few years. Social Media Dialog indeed seems to dominate, especially with the move toward...
Along with the seasonal change, we are heading towards the year-end and spend time calculating our Sales, Profits, and (maybe) Loss. Those operating with a Business Mindset, of course, are monitoring their progress weekly and monthly to avoid any unpleasant surprise...