Much of this material is furnished from an article by a good friend and long time associate, Anthony R Michalski.
‘Tony’ and I share a deep respect for the writing of Charles Haanel, whose Master Key was instrumental in helping me set my lifestyle in 1960
Dream the impossible dream,
To fight the unbeatable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow,
To run where the brave dare not go.Composed by Mitch Leigh, with lyrics written by Joe Darion
Neville Lancelot Goddard (1905-1972) was an influential teacher and author. Born in Barbados, he eventually settled in Los Angeles, California, where he began delivering lectures and writing books about what he called The Law, the technique of creating one’s physical reality through imagining.
Here are eight of his greatest quotes that will illustrate to you that not only is the impossible possible, but it is also possible by YOU!
- Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live.
- Disregard appearances, conditions, in fact, all evidence of your senses that deny the fulfillment of your desire.
- You must assume the feeling of the wish is fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire. That is, you must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness.
- Your opinion of yourself is your most important viewpoint. You are infinitely greater than you think you are.
- Belief is the condition necessary to realize the desire. No number of pleas or ritual will bring about the fulfillment of your desires other than the belief that you are or have that which you want.
- If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.
- It is not what you want that you attract, you attract what you believe to be true.
- Each person is born with infinite power, against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance.
And a BONUS quote!
The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to yourself! Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will.
For more information about Mr. Goddard, see and Neville
Here is a link to Tony’s Publishing Company Website
Andy Williams and Dream the Impossible Dream