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9 Simple Ways to Improve Your Life

9 Simple Ways to Improve Your Life

9 Simple Ways to Improve Your Life in the New Year and Beyond   I wrote this post at the ‘end of the year’ since so much social media content discusses the opportunity of reorganizing SELF and Business for a New Year. This is a simple and common-sense...
Why Clarity Matters

Why Clarity Matters

Why Clarity Matters: How Clarity Improves 10 Aspects of Life   Finding clarity throughout the various facets of your life is an important part of living with purpose, balance, and meaning. Understanding what you want and need enables you to create a personal...
What is Active Listening?

What is Active Listening?

Your Business Mindset is easier to enhance if you can master Active Listening. But what is Active listening? Is it any different than listening? YES. We can all recall situations where we have utterly failed to listen to what someone else is saying. For various...
Be Proactive, Create Your Own Abundant Life

Be Proactive, Create Your Own Abundant Life

Are You Proactive or Reactive? These words seem to emerge in many conversations about a Business Mindset. Since revisiting some of my old favorites and being active in the Master Key Master Mind Alliance, I have realized that Proactive trumps Reactive all the time “If...

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