Discover and Master the Law of Attraction – the most popular personal development topic in personal development!
The Law of Attraction has been buzzing around the Internet in groups, forums and social after the introduction of the commercially slick Book and Movie called The Secret. The book was written by Rhonda Byrne and has been heavily criticized by former believers and practitioners, with some claiming that The Secret was conceived by the author and that the only people generating wealth and happiness from it are the author and the publishers.
I first came across the concept of the Law of Attraction in 1960, after reading and digesting The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles and The Master Key, by Charles Haanel. They both focused on the FACT that we CAN create our Success (or failure) by using our God Given ability to THINK and apply those Thoughts to Action.
The two Book links above will deliver FREE copies of those Books
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After watching the movie and reading the book, The Secret, I was amazed that the BS presented left out the REAL Meat and Potatoes of the principles set forth by Wattles, Haanel, and the other NEW THOUGHT authors of the late 1880’s and early 20th Century. It was my impression that they lacked the fortitude to tell it like it is for fear of losing an audience if the TRUTH were told. We can reach great heights by applying the power of Positive Thoughts, but WE MUST Apply massive action to those Thoughts…not just sit around and stare at some Vision Board and dream of a luxurious Lifestyle.
The only great fortunes I believe came from the slick marketing were the pockets lined for the authors and producers of the SECRET. However, following the principles and exercises laid down in The Master Key and the guidance offered by The Science of Getting Rich, plus Think and Grow Rich has allowed me to enjoy the past 50 years achieving my DREAMS, through the application of massive energy to a well-designed WRITTEN Plan of Action and creating MY Definite Major Purposes.
I have disagreed with the conventional train of thought being broadcast by many “Life Coaches”, and Gurus proliferating the Internet Marketplace today. If YOU would like to become better acquainted Join us live on our, now 7-year, weekly Talk Show, The Focus Society of Overachievers, focusing on these subjects relating to LIFE Today, but hinged on the original works referencing the Law of Attraction.
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Well, I shared a lot of information from the perspective of an 80+-year-old entrepreneur, who has ENJOYED creating his destiny and lifestyle, because I DECIDED to apply Massive Action to my Positive Thoughts, after learning about The Law of Attraction.
Has this made me extremely Rich?
That answer is known only to me and my definition.
Some may think so, others Not…
It is irrelevant to me what others think.
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